Red Sister by Mark Lawrence
Red Sister by Mark  Lawrence

Although the narrative was told almost in entirety from her perspective, I found every single side character to have their own clear personality. Nona as the main character was simply relatable and compelling to read. Almost all the characters in the book were female they were splendidly written. The main story and themes were great but it was the characters that shone. Or burn bright, take up arms, and fight the bitch.” All that is given to you is the choice: meet it with open eyes and peace in your heart, go gentle to your reward. It cannot be evaded, it cannot be bargained with, deflected or placated. “Your death has not been waiting for your arrival at the appointed hour: it has, for all the years of your life, been racing towards you with the fierce velocity of time’s arrow. Friendships, faith, sisterhood, money, life, and death were some of the main themes implemented that I immensely enjoyed reading. If you’ve read and loved Blood Song by Anthony Ryan, I envision you’ll find a lot of things to love in this book. Red Sister is a character-driven coming-of-age fantasy with a battle/magic school setting. The majority of the story in the book takes place in the Convent and focuses its narrative on Nona’s coming-of-age story. It usually requires ten years in order to become a Red Sister a class of Sister specialized in armed & unarmed combat. The story revolves around Nona Grey, a nine-year-old girl brought and raised to become a killer in the Convent of Sweet Mercy. Red Sister, the first installment in Mark Lawrence’s Book of the Ancestor trilogy. I decided to reread Red Sister in order to refresh my memory before I continue with the series, I didn’t expect to enjoy it this much and I certainly didn’t realize how much I forgot and failed to appreciate in my first read. However, Red Sister merits one because I loved it so much more than my first read the quality jumped from great to amazing in my criteria. Other than a few changes or grammatical fix, I rarely rewrite my full review. The magic of rereading Red Sister strikes a gold mine. ARC provided by the publisher-Harper Voyager-in exchange for an honest review.

Red Sister by Mark  Lawrence